A speaker this year was Alison Baxtor, jeweller and Head of Short Courses at West Dean College in Southeast England. As a guest speaker she introduced the symposium attendees to the really interesting history of the college and fantastic arts opportunities available there, then she dropped by Pocosin to offer a short impromptu creativity workshop. Alison incorporates fiber in her jewellery (that's how they spell it in the UK ;) and she led us in an exercise exploring expression with line using thread. Then I went home and made this:
Cotton puffs, cotton fabric strips and poly thread wrapped around copper wire.
I posted an image of it on Facebook and a friend suggested I do another series of chains made with found fibers. I think I will do another series, incorporating locally found objects. I keep finding bits of colorful plastic and all sorts of things which would be fun to put in jewelry. So I think this is Chain #1 of Series Two.